Monetary correction macroeconomic changes to the money supply, adjusting interest rates or altering the amount of money in circulation. 货币供应量调整货币供应的宏观变化,如利率调整或流通中货币数量的改变。
The free fall of the dollar in the late 1970s forced the US to tighten monetary policy and address its budget deficits, commencing the correction of double-digit inflation. 上世纪70年代末美元的大幅贬值,迫使美国收紧货币政策,并着手解决财政赤字问题,开始修正两位数的通胀率。
According to the short-term dynamic adjustment model of the monetary demand, when the demand for real money deviates from the long-term equilibrium state, the error correction of long-term equilibrium adjust non-equilibrium to the balance state. 根据货币需求的短期动态调整模型,当实际货币需求在短期偏离长期的均衡状态时,均能通过长期均衡的误差修正项将这种非均衡调整到均衡状态。
In empirical study, regional output effects and regional price effects of monetary policy in China are researched in methodology of impulse response functions and variance decomposition from estimated vector error correction models. 在实证研究上,采用了向量误差修正模型、脉冲响应函数分析和方差分解等方法研究我国货币政策的区域产出效应和区域价格效应。